Free Tuition and a nutritious meal for poor children

"Literacy is the bridge from misery to hope" — Kofi Annan

Probably, the above quote is more pronounced in India than elsewhere because of the overlapping of class and caste identities. Education is, indeed, a right step towards socio-economic mobility for the poor and downtrodden communities in India. Besides education, providing a child with adequate nutrition at the right time is crucial. These will ensure healthy development of body and mind of children, and equip them with abilities and potential to tap opportunities later in life.

Considering this, we started 'Learning and Feeding Centers' at several places in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, where free tuitions and a nutritious meal per day is provided to poor children and children living in slums who cannot afford proper education due to their financial conditions or otherwise.

Currently, we are providing free tuitions to more than 2000 children everyday apart from providing a nutritious meal a day, distributing school bags and shoes, and sponsoring school fees of some meritorious students who are financially weak. We strive to remove any socio-economic barriers on a child hindering them from attaining these basic needs.

If you'd like to partner with us financially or to volunteer in this project, kindly contact us. Your kind donations will be an investment for the bright future of these poor children.